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Report Fraud & Mismanagement

Transparency has been a cornerstone of the Clarendon County Legislative Delegation’s mission. As part of our commitment to accountability and good governance, we have created a centralized platform for reporting concerns about corruption, fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement within state or local government. Through this tool, you can easily submit your allegations. Once reviewed, and with additional information as needed, we will refer these matters to the appropriate federal, state, or local agencies or departments for further action.

To submit an allegation of fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement, please choose your filing preference
Has this been reported to anyone else?
Would you be willing to sign a sworn affidavit attesting your complaint is true?
Upload File

Thanks for submitting!

(Appointment only CLICK HERE)

7 Nth Brooks St 

Manning, SC 29102

Office Phone: 803-433-7447

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